Camp Quest NorthWest 2018 Radio Spots

In 2018 Camp Quest Northwest’s theme was “Flying Spaghetti Western.” Within that theme, camp had a Squid Ink Salesperson by the name of Ceph O’Lepod selling wares of dubious ability to any and all campers who could be convinced. Hot on the trail of O’Lepod and associates were members of the Inkerton Detective Agency looking to prove or disprove the claims being made about the tentacle-themed special ingredient.

One of the many activities for campers was the chance to write an advertisement for a squid ink product, or alternatively, a public service announcement warning of its dangers. Campers were allowed to choose which, wrote scripts, and performed these skits in a studio at the campsite.

The crew of Ask an Atheist with Sam Mulvey then produced these ads and aired them— without any description or context— for the rest of 2018. This idea was a joke worked out between the June session campers and Sam. In August, a camper wrote the domain “” into their advertisement. The domain was available, so we bought it.

Submitted for your amusement are the recordings made in 2018 ordered by session and pod.

June Session

Macaroni Marshals

Creepy Stalker

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Now You Know

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She's Better Now

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The Narrator

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Ravioli Rangers

CQNWs Most Wanted

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Nail Polish

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Nausea, Diarrhea, Death

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August Session

Bowtie Buckaroos

Contains Mace

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Freddy Mercury

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Glug Glug

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The Interview

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Pho Farmers

Contact the Inkertons

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Escape from the Factory

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Frank Has Dead

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Pasta Prospectors

Danny Jackson Cupcakes

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Even Uglier

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Liquid Television

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Special Report

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Why We Do This

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Ramen Wranglers

Free Bad News

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Life of the Party

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Squid Appendages

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Tentacle Monster

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Spaghetti Sherrifs


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Other Side Effects

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Reporter Archie

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Word Jazz Ensemble

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Vermicelli Vaqueros


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Long Disclaimer

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Squid Ink Invented Things

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We are Deputy Pirate Man

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